((Dilly Dally)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Dilly Dally

Written by Patrick McNamara
Toronto's Dilly Dally plays crunchy fuzzy punk that pops and psychs and flails and thrashes. The guitars go big with the shreds (when they're not twinkle-y and pretty) and the raspy rockstar vocals are perfect. It's noisy AND melodic. Therefore, you can sing along to this band in the shower or blast 'em while you burn your house down. However you want to experience Dilly Dally, this musical goodness is very pliable for all sorts of moods and occasions.
The band = Katie Monks (vocals/guitar) + Liz Ball (guitar) + Jimmy Tony (bass) + Benjamin Reinhartz. Since forming somewhere circa 2013, they've released a smattering of singles (check them out - you'll like them) and as of this writing (9:42 AM in the Year That I'm Writing This A.D.) they're set to release their debut full-length for the very fine Toronto based label Buzz Records (bands on that label I've also profiled like a boss = Weaves + Odonis Odonis + HSY + Greys) in (Oh) Canada and Partisan Records right here in the good old goddamn United States of Brooklyn.
Dilly Dally has recently played shows (or have scheduled shows) with Twin Peaks + Perfect Pussy + Protomartyr + Beverly + Car Seat Headrest + King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard + The World Is A Beautiful Place & I'm No Longer Afraid To Die + those are just the good bands I've written profiles on in the past (like a boss). They will be playing many more shows with many more bands very soon because of that debut album I just got done telling you about. They might even win CMJ 2015 for all I know. That would be cool. I think you get a trophy for that.
Here are some Dilly Dally songs for you to enjoy streaming while you take your shower or douse your couch with the gasoline. Whatever you want to do. Thanks for listening.
RIYL: blood ice cream
File Under: good