((C.H.E.W.)) Band Profile and Upcoming New York City Concerts - Oh My Rockness
Written by Patrick McNamara
C.H.E.W. is a hardcore weirdo punk band from Chicago that you should get into ASAP.
They're dope as hell and they're not going to take it anymore!
For a very good loud time, blast their ravenously sick album Feeding Frenzy (via Iron Lung Records) below and you'll hear what I mean.
Please note: they say C.H.E.W. doesn't officially stand for anything but here are a few possibilities.
Come Home Every Winter
Can Horses Eat Waterfalls
Crazy High. Excellent Words.
RIYL: good bands
The Players:
B. Rude
Doris Graves
R. Heresy
Published April 30, 2019